Lie Quotes

Arthur hays sulzberge - i believe in an open mind, but not so open that...
There are two ways to slide easily through life to believe everything or to doubt everything both ways save us from thinking.
Theodore Isaac Rubin
True humor springs not more from the head than from the heart. It is not contempt; its essence is love. It issues not in laugther, but in still smiles, which lie far deeper.
Thomas Carlyle
Are you bored with life Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.
Dale Carnegie
Graham See what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you Are you the kind that sees signs, sees miracles Or do you believe that people just get lucky Or, look at the question this way Is it possible that there are no coincidences.
Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.
John Maynard Keynes
Men willingly believe what they wish.
Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico
I believe that the supreme duty of the historian is to write history, that is to say, to attempt to record in one sweeping sequence the greater events and movements that have swayed the destiny of man.
Steven Runciman
Hammer the iron that lies on your anvil instead of daydreaming about working silver.
Robert Jordan, The Wheel of Time
Abraham lincoln - i believe, if we take habitual drunkards as a...
Accidents will occur in the best regulated families.
Charles Dickens
Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous ruin, To speak dishonorably is pardonable.
Sophocles, Creusa
He who multiplies riches multiplies cares.
Benjamin Franklin
There is only one thing a philosopher can be relied upon to do, and that is to contradict other philosophers.
William James
Americans detest all lies except lies spoken in public or printed lies.
Edgar Watson Howe
My generation, faced as it grew with a choice between religious belief and existential despair, chose marijuana. Now we are in our Cabernet stage.
Peggy Noonan
I am a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
Stephen Butler Leacock
Baloney is the unvarnished lie laid on so thick you hate it. Blarney is flattery laid on so thin you love it.
Fulton John Sheen
If kids come to us educatorsteachers from strong, healthy functioning families, it makes our job easier. If they do not come to us from strong, healthy, functioning families, it makes our job more important.
Barbara Colorose
The more the fruits of knowledge become accessible to men, the more widespread is the decline of religious belief.
Sigmund Freud, The Future of an Illusion (1927)
The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.
Every man, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day.
Bertrand Russell, Sceptical Essays (1928), "Dreams and Facts".
Energy is that amazing feeling that comes to life inside of you when you? re happy and believe in yourself.
Richard Simmons
The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.
Stephen Ambrose, in Fast Company
I am a man I hold that nothing human is alien to me.
Aristotle was once asked what those who tell lies gain by it. Said he, That when they speak truth they are not believed.
Laertius Diogenes
I believe that producing pictures, as I do, is almost solely a question of wanting so very much to do it well.
M. C. Esche
A threat is basically a means for establishing a bargaining position by inducing fear in the subject. When a threat is used, it should always be implied that the subject himself is to blame by using words such as You leave me no other choice but to...
CIA Manual
The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.
George Eliot
There lives more faith in honest doubt, Believe me, than in half the creeds.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson, In Memoriam A. H. H. 96, ll. 11 - 12.
Believe nothing against another but on good authority and never report what may hurt another, unless it be a greater hurt to some other to conceal it.
William Penn
What a wretched lot of old shrivelled creatures we shall be by - And - By. Never mind - The uglier we get in the eyes of others, the lovelier we shall be to each other that has always been my firm faith about friendship.
Marie Dressle
I believe I shall, in some shape or other, always exist; and, with all the inconveniences human life is liable to, I shall not object to a new edition of mine, hoping, however, that the errata of the last may be corrected.
Benjamin Franklin
I have heard it said that the first ingredient of success - The earliest spark in the dreaming youth - Is this dream a great dream.
John A. Appleman
First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - Nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address, Mar. 4, 1933
But, soft what light through yonder window breaks It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
William Shakespeare
I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life.
Mohandas Ghandi
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - - Deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
John F. Kennedy
So long as thou are ignorant be not ashamed to learn. Ignorance is the greatest of all infirmities, and when justified, the chiefest of all follies.
Izaak Walton
As for the pyramids, there is nothing to wonder at in them so much as the fact that so many men could be found degraded enough to spend their lives constructing a tomb for some ambitious booby, whom it would have been wiser and manlier to have drowned in the Nile, and then given his body to the dogs.
Henry David Thoreau