Soul Quotes
Scent is the soul of flowers, and sea flowers, as splendid as they may be, have no soul!Jules Verne, 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea, Chapter 34
We stare into the fire of life, the flame of the soul, Yet we stand, so far away, Basking in the eternal energy that flows from within it, We stand back, too scared to approach the flames.Unknown
The want of goods is easily repaired, but the poverty of the soul is irreparable.Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.Denis Diderot
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.George Carlin
From the oyster to the eagle, from the swine to the tiger, all animals are to be found in men and each of them exists in some man, sometimes several at the time. Animals are nothing but the portrayal of our virtues and vices made manifest to our eyes, the visible reflections of our souls. God displays them to us to give us food for thought.Victor Hugo
God has placed in each soul an apostle to lead us upon the illumined path. Yet many seek life from without, unaware that is within them.Kahlil Gibran
I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive human with the soul of a clown, which always forces me to blow it at the most important moments.Jim Morrison
We have achieved the most amazing things, a few million people opening up half a continent. But we have not yet found a Canadian soul except in time of war. On lack of national identity.Lester Bowles Pearson
There are men who would quickly love each other if once they were speak to each other; for when they spoke they would discover that their souls had only separated by phantoms and delusions.Ernest Hello
Conscience is the voice of the soul.Polish Prove
Nothing can so pierce the soul as the uttermost sigh of the body.George Santayana
Intellectual liberty is the air of the soul, the sunshine of the mind, and without it, the world is a prison, the universe a dungeon.Robert Green Ingersoll
The tragedy of life is what dies in the hearts and souls of people while they live.Albert Einstein
Seek not, my soul, the life of the immortals; but enjoy to the full the resources that are within thy reach.Pindar, 518 - 438 B. C.
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - - Trees, flowers, grass - - Grows in silence see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... we need silence to be able to touch souls.Mother Theresa
Who would ever think that so much went on in the soul of a young girl?Anne Frank
Creativity is essentially a lonely art. An even lonelier struggle. To some a blessing. To others a curse. It is in reality the ability to reach inside yourself and drag forth from your very soul an idea.Lou Dorfsman
Souls woven together by the gods can never be unraveled.Jose Raul Bernardo, Silent Wing (Simon & Schuster, 1998)
Noble souls, through dust and heat, rise from disaster and defeat the stronger.John Bay
To live happily is an inward power of the soul.Marcus Aurelius
Variety is the soul of pleasure.Aphra Behn
Dream no small dreams. They have no power to stir the souls of men.Victor Hugo
If any man wish to write in a clear style, let him be first clear in his thoughts; and if any would write in a noble style, let him first possess a noble soul.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Heaven - Born, the soul a heavenward course must hold beyond the world she soars the wise man, I affirm, can find no rest in that which perishes, nor will he lend his heart to ought that doth time depend.Michelangelo Buonarroti
There are victories of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, even if you lose, you win.Elie Wiesel
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.Tom Robbins
If thou shouldst never see my face again, Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayerThan this world dreams of.Alfred Lord Tennyson
The world is extremely interesting to a joyful soul.Alexandra Stoddard, Gracious Living in a New World
As the moon retaineth her nature, though darkness spread itself before her face as a curtain, so the Soul remaineth perfect even in the bosom of the fool.Akhenaton
What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and yet loses his soul?Jesus Christ, Matthew 16: 26
Safeguard the health both of body and soul.Cleobulus
The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread.D. H. Lawrence
Though thou has never so many counselors, yet do not forsake the counsel of your soul.John Ray
Ah Christ, that it were possible For one short hour to see The souls we loved, that they might tell us What and where they be.Alfred Lord Tennyson