Soul Quotes
No stranger can get a great many notes of torture out of a human soul it takes one that knows it well - - Parent, child, brother, sister, intimate.Oliver Wendell Holmes
Hope is a thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without words And never stops at all.Emily Dickinson
Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Samuel Ullman
Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.George Eliot
Everyone should free their mind and soul. Some are ready to free them now, and some will be ready to free them in the future. Some will never be ready and that is what makes their lives not worth living.Emad Hasan
Nay, tempt me not to love again There was a time when love was sweet Dear Nea had I known thee then, Our souls had not been slow to meet But oh this weary heart hath run So many a time the rounds of pain, Not even for thee, thou lovely one Would I endure such pangs again.Sir Thomas More
False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.Plato, Dialogues, Phaedo
If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.Thomas Jefferson
Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.Muhammad Ali
The air is full of souls those who are nearest to earth descending to be tied to mortal bodies return to other bodies, desiring to live in them.Philo Judaeus
To them that ask, where have you seen the gods, or how do you know for certain there are gods, that you are so devout in their worship I answer Neither have I ever seen my own soul, and yet I respect and honor it.Marcus Aelius Aurelius
Happy is he who still loves something he loved in the nursery He has not been broken in two by time he is not two men, but one, and he has saved not only his soul, but his life.Gilbert Keith Chesterton
If any man wish to write in a clear style, let him be first clear in his thoughts and if any would write in a noble style, let him first possess a noble soul.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The soul is the captain and ruler of the life of morals.Sallust
Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul, But I do love thee! and when I love thee not, Chaos is come again.William Shakespeare, "Othello", Act 3 scene 3
Everything that God created is potentially holy, and our task as humans is to find that holiness in seemingly unholy situations. When we can do this, we will have learned to nurture our souls.Rabbi Harold Kushne
What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and yet loses his soul?Jesus Christ, Matthew 16: 26
Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.Henry Ward Beeche
The fates have given mankind a patient soul.Homer, The Iliad
The self - Controlled soul, who moves amongst sense objects, free from either attachment or repulsion, he wins eternal Peace.Bhagavad Gita
The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1890
You start out giving your hat, then you give your coat, then your shirt, then your skin and finally your soul.Charles De Gaulle
Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul.Saint Teresa of Avila
If you are losing your leisure, look out You are losing your soul.Logan Pearsall Smith
The end of life is to be like God, and the soul following God will be like Him.Socrates
Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.Albert Einstein
The ideal life is in our blood and never will be still. Sad will be the day for any man when he becomes contented with the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing - - where there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger, which he knows that he was meant and made to do.Phillips Brooks
The soul has this proof of its divinity that divine things delight in it.Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.Marcel Proust
When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of Creation is completed inside us, the doors of our souls fly open, and love steps forth to heal everything in sight.Michael Bridge
A room without books is like a body without a soul.G. K. Chesterton
Thinking The talking of the soul with itself.Plato
Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Samuel Ullman
Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything.Plato
Each religion, by the help of more or less myth which it takes more or less seriously, proposes some method of fortifying the human soul and enabling it to make its peace with its destiny.George Santayana
Accent is the soul of language it gives to it both feeling and truth.Jean Jacques Rousseau
A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe