Sex Quotes

It is easier to talk about money - - And much easier to talk about sex - - Than it is to talk about power. People who have it deny it people who want it do not want to appear to hunger for it and people who engage in its machinations do so secretly.
Smiley Blanton
W. somerset maugham - there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it...
Money, it turned out, was exactly like sex, you thought of nothing else if you didnt have it and thought of other things if you did.
James Arthur Baldwin
Of the delights of this world man cares most for sexual intercourse, yet he has left it out of his heaven.
Mark Twain
Mae west - sex is emotion in motion....
Programming is like sex one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life.
Michael Sinz
If male homosexuals are called gay, then female homosexuals should be called ecstatic.
Shelly Roberts
For flavor, instant sex will never supercede the stuff you have to peel and cook.
Quentin Crisp
Whatever else can be said about sex, it cannot be called a dignified performance.
Helen Lawrenson
I can understand companionship. I can understand bought sex in the afternoon. I cannot understand the love affair.
Gore Vidal
A promiscuous person is someone who is getting more sex than you are.
Victor Lownes
Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation... The other eight are unimportant.
Henry Mille
Life is a sexually transmitted disease.
R. D. Laing
Nothing is so much to be shunned as sex relations.
Saint Augustine
If your sexual fantasies were truly of interest to others, they would no longer be fantasies.
Fran Lebowitz
Sex is part of nature, I go with nature.
Marylin Monroe
Continental people have sex - Lives the English have hot - water bottles.
George Mikes
Sex is the tabasco sauce which an adolescent national palate sprinkles on every course in the menu.
Mary Day Winn
Friends are generally of the same sex, for when men and women agree, it is only in the conclusions their reasons are always different.
George Santayana
Any piece of clothing can be sexy with a quietly passionate woman inside it.
Someone asked Sophocles, How do you feel now about sex Are you able to have a woman He replied, Hush man most gladly indeed am I rid off it all, as though I had escaped from a mad and savage master.
When it comes to sex, the most important six inches are the ones between the ears.
Dr. Ruth Westheime
Men want sex. If men ruled the world, they could get sex anywhere, anytime. Restaurants would give you sex instead of breath mints on the way out. Gas stations would give sex with every fill - Up. Banks would give sex to anyone who opened a checking account.
Scott Adams, The Dilbert Future
Sexual pleasure is, I agree, a passion to which all others are subordinate but in which they all unite.
Marquis de Sade
Love is the extra effort we make in our dealings with those whom we do not like and once you understand that, you understand all. This idea that love overtakes you is nonsense. This is but a polite manifestation of sex. To love another you have to undertake some fragment of their destiny.
Pierre Corneille
If I ask a woman if she has suffered sexual harassment, could this be considered sexual harassment?
Sally Forth, Jan. 28, 1991
Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.
Woody Allen
For certain people after 50, litigation takes the place of sex.
Gore Vidal
Sex education classes in our public schools are promoting incest.
Jimmy Swaggart
The mind is not sex - Typed.
Margaret Mead
It would be ridiculous to talk of male and female atmospheres, male and female springs or rains, male and female sunshine.... How much more ridiculous is it in relation to mind, to soul, to thought, where there is as undeniably no such thing as sex...
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful.
Margaret Mead
There is not one in a hundred of either sex who is not taken in when they marry. It is, of all transactions, the one in which people expect most from others, and are least honest themselves.
Jane Austen
I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty.
George Burns
Is sex dirty? Only if you do it right.
Woody Allen
The AIDS epidemic has rolled back a big rotting log and revealed all the squirming life underneath it, since it involves, all at once, the main themes of our existence sex, death, power, money, love, hate, disease and panic. No American phenomenon has been so compelling since the Vietnam War.
Edmund White
Most men who are not married by the age of thirty - Five are either homosexual or really smart.
Becky Rodenbeck
Sex: the pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense damnable.
Lord Chesterfield
Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.
John Barrymore
Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at.
Jimmy Demaret