Mark Twain Quotes
It is discouraging to try and penetrate a mind like yours. You ought to get it out and dance on it. That would take some of the rigidity out of it.Mark Twain
We all have thoughts that would shame the devil.Mark Twain
Drag your thoughts away from your troubles.. by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it.Mark Twain
Few sinners are saved after the fiirst twenty minutes of a sermon.Mark Twain
We owe a deep debt of gratitude to Adam, the first great benefactor of the human race: he brought death into the world.Mark Twain
At the beginning of a great national change, the patriot is a scarce man: scorned, ridiculed and forgotten. When his cause succeeds, however, all men will join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.Mark Twain
Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing conditions.Mark Twain
How come we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? It is because we are not the person involved.Mark Twain
When people do not respect us we are sharply offended; yet deep down in his private heart no man much respects himself.Mark Twain
Fame is a vapor; popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion.Mark Twain
Let us not be too particular; it is better to have old secondhand diamonds than none at all.Mark Twain
Of the delights of this world, man cares most for sexual intercourse, yet he has left it out of his heaven.Mark Twain
The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.Mark Twain
After all these years I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her.Mark Twain
Get your facts first and then you can distort them as much as you wish.Mark Twain
There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist.Mark Twain
The secret source of humour itself is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humour in heaven.Mark Twain
Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.Mark Twain
Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.Mark Twain
Principles have no real force except when one is well fed.Mark Twain
Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can read.Mark Twain
Principles have no real force except when one is well - Fed.Mark Twain
On his deathbed Death, the only immortal who treats us all alike, whose pity and whose peace and whose refuse are for all - - The soiled and the pure, the rich and the poor, the loved and the unloved.Mark Twain
Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre but they are more deadly in the long run.Mark Twain
Eloquence is the essential thing in a speech, not information.Mark Twain
One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.Mark Twain
Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.Mark Twain
Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.Mark Twain
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.Mark Twain
A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.Mark Twain
Great people are those who make others feel that they, too, can become great.Mark Twain
This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty - Four.Mark Twain
If we had less statemanship we could get along with fewer battleships.Mark Twain
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight, what counts is the size of the fight in the dog.Mark Twain
When you cannot get a compliment any other way pay yourself one.Mark Twain
Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered - Either by themselves or by others.Mark Twain
Of the delights of this world man cares most for sexual intercourse, yet he has left it out of his heaven.Mark Twain